Waterhole Sunset - Springbok Antelope Photograph

by Duane Miller
Waterhole Sunset - Springbok Antelope Photograph
Duane Miller
Photograph - Photograph
It was our first evening in Etosha National Park, and our first shooting location on this trip to Namibia. We had all checked into our individual rooms and then grabbed our camera gear to head down to the waterhole behind Okaukuejo Rest Camp, where we were staying.
The camp was built about a quarter to a third of the way around a large waterhole. A large fence separated the camp from the area around the water. The animals weren't fenced out; we were fenced in.
As the sun set in west, the animals would come in groups to drink from the water. Of all the animals present, the springboks were most plentiful. As the sun crept lower, it began to light up the clouds and dust in the air with a soft orange glow. It was different from most sunsets I had seen back home -- the quality of the light seemed magical.
I moved around to the side of the waterhole so that the orange sky was reflected in the water. The light was fading, but I managed isolate a single springbok drinking from the waterhole. Shortly thereafter, the springbok was joined by another. The two resulting images were some of my favorites from the entire trip to Namibia.
August 24th, 2014