A Slippery Conversation - Fur Seal Photograph

by Duane Miller
A Slippery Conversation - Fur Seal Photograph
Duane Miller
Photograph - Photograph
I was surprised by the enormity of the cape fur seal colony at Cape Cross, Namibia. I was expecting a couple of hundred seals spread out along the beach, but there were more like a couple thousand all over the place. We walked along the boardwalk out into the colony. Most of the seals were on the ocean side of the boardwalk, either lying on the beach and rocks or swimming out in the ocean. But there were several seals on the inland side of the boardwalk as well, lying in the sand and occasionally barking at one another.
It was the sounds they made, more than anything, that stuck with me when I returned home. I took out my iPhone and began recording audio while I was photographing. The sounds ranged from a deep, almost sinister sounding bellow to a high pitched whining like a small child in trouble. It was rather unsettling how the noises sounded almost human.
October 9th, 2014